





    A smart phone or tablet also gives off a light that affects the body’s natural timing and alertness. These factors contribute to poor quality sleep. And many kids could be at risk. According to the study, 72% of all children and 89% of adolescents have at least one device in their sleep environment. Most of these devices are used near bedtime.
    The harmful association between screen-based devices and kids sleep is “a major public health concern,” the study concludes. In their conclusion, the researchers urge teachers, health care professionals, parents, and children to “understand the damaging influence of device use on sleep”.
    Many children get less sleep on school nights than they should. According to the National Sleep Foundation, kids ages 6 to 13 should be getting between nine and 11 hours of sleep per night. Getting quality sleep is particularly important for learning complex subjects like math and foreign languages.
    The American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) advises kids to stop looking at screens at least half an hour before bedtime. This helps your brain slow down and gets your body ready for sleep. The AAP says bedrooms should be “screen-free zones”.
    If you are tempted to pick up an electronic device at bedtime, try these relaxing activities instead:
    · Keep a journal: Thoughts and worries can weigh on your mind at night. Writing thoughts on paper can clear the mind.
    · Try a mind exercise: Close your eyes and count backward from 100.






    (2)用如图乙所示的电路测量表头的内阻,图乙中电源的电动势4V。闭合开关前,滑动变阻器R的滑片应移到   (填“a端”或“b端”),先闭合S1,调节滑动变阻器R,使表头的指针偏转到满刻度;再闭合开关S2,保持R不变,仅调节电阻箱阻值,使表头指针偏转到满刻度的,读出此时的阻值为200Ω,则表头的内阻的测量值为   Ω;
    (3)根据题给条件和(2)所测数据,请你推算电阻R1损坏之前的阻值应为   Ω,选取相应的电阻替换R1,重新安装好电表;
    (4)用标准电压表对修复后的电压表的“0~3V”量程进行校对,请在答题纸上把如图丙所示的实物电路补充完整   ;
    (5)校准时发现,修复后的电压表的读数比标准电压表的读数偏小,该同学认为造成这一结果的原因是,由于步骤(2)测量表头的内阻存在一定的误差,表头内阻的真实值   (填“大于”或“小于”)测量值。


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