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One possible version

On the road we found Mattie's boot prints following dad's big ones. But when the prints reached the mainroad. there was nothing left to follow. We started to search. Minutes turned into hours as darkness crept acrossthe sky. Every time we called, "Mattie! Mattie! Where are you? and no answer came. i felt as if a fist weresqueezing my heart. Ma was shivering, but I knew it was from fear, not cold

Suddenly some barks (i) came from the distance. "It's that dog Following the barks, we found mattie curling up under a fallen pine tree. that dog was with mattie, wrapping around her like a bearskin rug. Mawas all tears and scolding. Dad gave her hugs and kisses. Mattie spoke up, " We took the wrong road. Then Ifell and hurt my foot so I couldnt walk. Pretty Dog stayed with me and kept me warm. He kept licking myface. I knew he was telling me wed be found. I dont remember which one of us started calling him Brave dogbut that was his name from then on. He became a member of the family as any of us was

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